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Speech Therapy for Children Living in Skokie, Evanston, Wilmette, and Surrounding Illinois areas

In home speech therapy with child in Skokie Illinois
In home speech therapy with child in Wilmette Illinois
In home speech therapy with child in Highland Park Illinois

Speech Therapy Near Skokie, IL

I provide in-person speech therapy to children with articulation disorders, language difficulties, challenges in executive function and fluency disorders (including stuttering).  I enjoy working together with my clients to create goals so that therapy can be tailored for them and with their goals in mind.    ​


I travel to areas near Skokie, Illinois including: Evanston, Highland Park, Lincolnwood, West Rogers Park, and Wilmette.


If you live in the Illinis area, but not in the areas listed above, please contact me.  If you live in New York or New Jersey, I also provide online speech therapy.  


Signs/Symptoms of an Articulation Disorder in Children

  1. Substituting Sounds: Using incorrect sounds in place of specific sounds (for example, saying "wabbit" for "rabbit")

  2. Omitting Sounds: Leaving out certain sounds in words (for example, saying "bu" for "bus")

  3. Distorting Sounds: Producing sounds in an unclear or imprecise manner (for example, slushy of mumbled speech)

  4. Difficulty Being Understood: Others frequently having trouble understanding your child's speech.

  5. Limited Speech Sound Repertoire: Using a limited range of speech sounds appropriate for their age.

  6. Persistent Errors: Errors in speech sounds that persist beyond the expected age.

  7. Avoidance of Certain Words or Sounds: Child actively avoids using words or sounds they have difficulty producing.

  8. Frustration: Child shows frustration when trying to communicate or when not understood.

  9. Social and Academic Impact: Speech difficulties may impact social interactions and academic performance (if, for example, the child writes the way they speak).


Signs/Symptoms of a Language Disorder in Children

  1. Limited Vocabulary: Difficulty learning and using new words appropriate for their age.

  2. Difficulty Following Directions: Trouble understanding and following spoken and/or written directions.

  3. Limited Use of Complex Language: Challenges in using age-appropriate language structures.

  4. Receptive Language Challenges: Trouble understanding spoken language including concepts, questions, or instructions.

  5. Expressive Language Challenges: Difficulty expressing thoughts, ideas, or needs clearly and effectively.

  6. Social Communication Challenges: Difficulty engaging in conversation, maintaining topic, or interpreting social cues.

  7. Frustration: Children may show frustration, withdrawal or behavior challenges secondary to communication difficulties.​


Signs/Symptoms of Executive Function Challenges in Children

  1. Difficulty with Planning: Struggles to plan and organize tasks, such as homework, porjects, or daily routines.

  2. Poor Time Management: Difficulty estimating and managing time effectively, leading to incomplete tasks or missed deadlines.

  3. Impulsivity: Acts without thinking through consequences, at times leading to risky behaviors

  4. Trouble with Flexibility: Difficulty adjusting to changes in routines.

  5. Poor Working Memory: Difficulty holding information in their minds while completing tasks.

  6. Procrastination: Habitual delay in starting or completing tasks.

  7. Inconsistent Performance: Performance varies across different settings or tasks due to executive function challenges.

  8. Challenges with Multitasking: Difficulty managing multiple tasks and/or switching between tasks efficiently

  9. Social Challenges: Turn taking during conversations and understanding social cues may be more challenging for someone with executive function challenges.


Signs/Symptoms of Fluency Disorders in Children

  • Signs/Symptoms of Stuttering Disorders

    • Repetitions: Repetitions of sounds, syllables, or words.

    • Prolongations: Drawing out sounds or syllables.

    • Blocks: Involuntary pauses or interruptions in speech, where the child struggles to produce sounds.

    • Tension or Struggle: Visible tension or effort in the face or body while attempting to speak.

    • Secondary Behaviors: Use of physical movements to manage stuttering.

    • Avoidance Behaviors: Avoidance of certain words or situation where stuttering is more likely.

  • Signs/Symptoms of Cluttering Disorders

    • Fast Rate of Speech: Speaking too quickly, making it difficult for others to understand.​

    • Irregular Speech Rhythm: Speech may sound choppy or uneven.

    • Excessive Disfluencies: Interruptions in speech such as repetitions, revisions or hesitations.

    • Lack of Awareness of Speech Difficulties: Children may not realize they have a problem with their speech clarity.

    • Poor Intelligibility: Others may struggle to understand your child's speech due to rapid and disorganized delivery.

    • Co-occuring Language or Learning Difficulties: Cluttering may be associated with other communication or learning difficulties.


Benefits of In-Home Speech Therapy

  1. Comfort and Convenience: Therapy sessions can take place in the comfort of your own home, reducing the stress of bringing your child to a clinic.

  2. Observation of Home Dynamics: Speech Therapists can better understand family dynamics and communication patterns, offering targeted support and guidance.

  3. Personalized Environment: Speech Therapists can tailor activities in the home environment, making therapy more relevant and practical for daily life.

  4. Family Involvement: Family members can learn strategies to support the child's progress.

  5. Increased Comfort and Familiarity: Being in a familiar setting can help reduce anxiety and increase comfort levels, which can positively impact therapy progress.

  6. Improved Generalization of Skills: Skills learned during in-home speech therapy sessions are more likely to generalize to real-life situations and interactions within the home setting.


How does Speech Therapy Work?

I provide online speech evaluations and online speech therapy sessions for both children and adults using a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform.


Step 1: Click here to begin with a free consultation call where I will answer your questions, and we will discuss your concerns and make a plan to get you started receiving the services you need.


Step 2: Book an evaluation.  The evaluation may take several sessions to allow for a more through understanding of a client's abilities.  After the evaluation, we will build a custom speech therapy program specific to your needs.  


Step 3: We'll partner together to achieve your speech/language goals through 30, 45, or 60 minute sessions!  I provide clients and families with feedback, resources, and handouts to implement strategies at home with confidence.

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